Semelab,which headquarter is located in Leicestershire,have established a high reputation for superior quality and expertise.They are engaging in manufacturing high quality, high reliability and hi-rel discrete semiconductors.Their branches throughout the world,such as in the United States, Canada, Mexico, Latin America, Brazil, Guadalajara, Puerto Rico, Austria, Belgium, Benelux, Bulgaria, Czech Repubilc, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Hungary, Ireland, Israel, Italy, Norway, Poland, Russia, Spain, UK, South Africa, China ,India, Korea, Australia, Japan, Singapore, Taiwan, Thailand and so on. Semelab focus much attention on Power Semiconductors and Modules,RF MOSFETs, Opto Products and Systems.Their product line includes MOSFETs, Bipolar, IGBTs, Modules, Diodes, Hi-Rel voltage regulators, Opto Sensors, Smartpack.Aerospace products include space-saving component-array solutions, Silicon Carbide high temperature diodes, and thermally engineered power modules in a variety of technologies.They have received ISO14001 certification.